With this activity, we want to teach our students that some chemical elements that we present are found in plastic materials. Conceiving the structure and function of these elements is not easy, especially for the youngest. For this reason, it seems very important to us to teach them the different plastic materials present in the pedagogical suitcase. Students identify them around them thanks to their daily use.
We teach to identify the different plastics with which they are in their daily life by their initials, appearance and texture, this knowledge is very important for the recycling of said plastics.
We want to give a citizen dimension in this way to this activity. For this reason, we have asked some animators to carry out workshops so that our students understand the importance of recycling these materials among others. In this way, when leaving the chemical elements that, in nature, intervene in the constitution of all matter, we came to the conclusion with our students that humans, thanks to scientific advances, can create materials but must do so with respect. to the environment and natural resources.
- Know plastic materials.
- Establish the link between chemical elements in nature and some materials.
- Participate in exchanges with communication situations speaking before a group of people to explain a situation.
- Understand the importance of recycling materials manufactured and used by humans.
Activity instructions:
For each plastic material that we present to you, tell us where we use them. To make them, we use elements that you have already worked on, such as carbon. In a workshop with your colleagues, order the different stages of recycling these plastic materials. Afterwards, they will introduce them to their classmates. You will tell us why it is important to recycle them.
Activity results:
The activity allowed all the students, French and Spanish, despite the age difference, to realize the importance of some chemical elements in the constitution of the manufactured materials. They made the relationship between these materials and their use in daily life and the importance of recycling them to preserve natural resources, and they spoke to a group.
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